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Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Python script to traverse a directory tree and ZIP all files with a given extension

Back in my days of heavy data generation I ran into issues keeping hard drive use under control. Manually making giant ZIP files of entire trees was not a good solution; the files would be huge and extracting small portions became too slow—not to mention the fact that some of the more popular compression programs […]

DWFTTW Origins

Here it is—Andrew B. Bauer’s original paper, Faster Than The Wind, presented at the first AIAA “The Ancient Interface” symposium on the aero- and hydro-dynamics of sailing, April 26th 1969.

Dead hard drives

Here’s something I can do with them! (read here)

I am not this guy

I know I said my next post would be about symbolic links in Windows, but I must clarify something first. I did a Google search for “donkeypuss” and ran across I am in no way associated with that, or, rather, he’s not associated with me, depending on who’s blog you like better. Amazing that […]


I have to put something down.